The Letters Project – One month in.

This weekend marked the completion of the first month of the project being up for the world to see. I am excited that this site has had nearly 1000 views so far!

As I work to queue up more of the letters and other goodies that make up this unique collection, I have begun to learn more about Fred and Florence as young people. It is somehow comforting to know that they went through the same age appropriate drama that we went through – though their was played out via conversation and handwritten letters then through texts and emails.

I have also learned and researched a number of idioms, phrases, organizations, etc. The first one that made me laugh was Florence’s reference to “slimes” in “45 Lines of Virgil.” While most likely not recognized now as an acceptable nickname for the freshmen at Rice University, it was the norm at the time.

I am also getting more of a sense of what my grandfather was like and his unwavering dedication to his goal to be a success in his track and field events and in his future career. He was a very focused young man, as you will see examples of soon (teaser!)

Thank you for reading and following along, there is much more to come. Please spread the word if you are so inclined.

Don’t forget, you can also find out when the latest posts go up via Twitter, FaceBook and through RSS feeds.

I also want to give special recognition for the theme that I use on this site. It is absolutely perfect and I can’t tell you how many comments I have received complimenting it… so a huge thanks to InfoCreek web design.


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