February 17, 1925 It seems my love for you is stronger than I am

Dearest Big Boy –

I know I ought to be studying; I also know I owe your sister and your cousin a letter as well as a dozen other people. In spite of all that, here I am writing you a note. It isn’t enough to see you nearly every day. Sat nite dates aren’t enough – oh, dear boy, I know I do things I shouldn’t. I know I’m not doing all I can to keep you the dear good boy I want; I know I slip, too, but Fred I love you. I forget all myself in the desire to give you what you want. It seems my love for you is stronger than I am, but I love you so. Oh, you can’t realize just what you mean to me. You can’t know the prayers of thankfulness that go up from my heart when I look at other boys and compare them to Fritz. You don’t know how proud I am of you when you do things worth while. How thrilled when you say “Little Darling, I want to share them with you.” Just the fact that you want me to be a partner and a pal – oh! there’s not many boys who have worthwhile things to want to share. But yours are highest honors. It’s like Ralph said – you’re looked up to by your class mates – and it’s a thrill for any girl to go with you. But I know that Fred love me.

Well, anyway, you’ve heard that a dozen times from me. Perhaps even someone else before me said the same thing. Perhaps even you asked someone else to share your honors. Only perhaps.

I’m not jealous of them, because I know that even if you did love someone else long ago – that you love me now, and the other girl holds no place in your heart, except as a memory. I know that your thoughts and your kisses are for only me, and why should I worry about the past. It is quite sufficient for me to know that Fred cares and how I return that love!

Not for gold, or for the thing girls want most – popularity – would I give you up. I’d love to have popularity and it would be nice to have oodles of claps and perhaps dates, but I shan’t even think of them, because Fred is worth more than those.

Here are the pictures I promised. They’re given with all my love.



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