7/17/23 don’t you know I’m crazy to see you?

Tuesday 4:15

Hip – Hip – Hooray!! Tomorrow I get up to go see the Doctor and he will tell me that I am OK and can go to work. I feel good over the fact. I am so glad to think I can leave that ole bed anyway. A bed is sure good when you’re tired but when you have to stay in it, it’s different. But “shure nuff” I think I will be able to go to my previous duties. Sure was hard luck when I only have three months out of 12 to work. But everything was easy wouldn’t this be some world. I suppose you got that letter this morning that I wrote Sunday. It sure was rotten of me to write it like that wasn’t it. But I’ll tell you why. First I didn’t much like the way you sneered at my being in bed. Maybe you didn’t mean it that way, but it surely read that way to me. It made me so mad that I could have made a face at you for it. Florence let me tell you that it was more then inconvenient. I wanted to call your attention to the fact that I didn’t like a few expressions in it. it is past and let it be gone. I will hear from you about it, probably before you get this and I don’t blame you a bit for coming back at me for it. But my Dear, regardless of the fact I like you heaps just the same. I don’t either of us meant anything by it.

Florence, next door they have a piece on the Victrola that we always played at 2204 when the gang was out there and I can hardly keep from bawling. So many memories. Gee, how I long for a white man’s town. Some day you will hear loud yells and wonder what it’s all about.

Ike is going to Houston first part of Aug and I was coming until this happened. I didn’t say anything about it, but I wanted to go with him so bad. If I hadn’t missed so much work I sure would be there 8-5-23. I think I’ll have to hold off now. You see, I’ll get to see you so much when school is on. I will be so happy when school starts and I get back to it. But I do like Caguntown a lot better since we moved. It is so cool we sleep under blankets part of the time and the people are cultured here, too. i.e. the ones whose apt we are in.

That was Alfred Johnson you met. This is Fred Johnson his older Bro that is here with us. I don’t think you know him. Last nite 4 boys were here to see me. 3 boys from El Campop and Roy Chambers a Rice foot-ball star from P.A. We had a great time for a while. Something to amuse us to get a Big Bull Pen together.

When are you going to take that trip to the farm and then over here. Soon? Hurry up, don’t you know I’m crazy to see you? Isn’t it awful, such life?

Your letters surely do make me feel good, Florence ole Dear. I sure hope you keep the good work up and not let anything get in your

With Bushels & Oceans of love



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