6/15/1924 It has been quite an enjoyable trip

June 15, 1924

My Darling Florence;

I will leave Boston now in a short time but I just had to write you a few lines before leaving. It has been quite an enjoyable trip, so far. I am going back through Montreal and from there to Buffalo. There I will go to see the Niagara Falls. I will probably be back in Houston next Sunday. Just one more week from today. It takes this letter quite a little while to get there, so in a short time after you get this I will see you. Are you going to meet me at the train with arms outstretched. Are you? All right, I’ll be glad if you do. Will you? All right then, everything is OK. Oh how glad I will be when I get back in Houston. I like the trip OK but if I had my Darling Florence along I would be so much happier. I would like for you to enjoy this with me. Today we took a Rubber-neck wagon to see the city and did see lots of it too. It pays to work a little, to get to make a trip like this. I have to write so many letters before I go, I’ll have to go now.

I’ll write you a real letter soon.

Loads of Love,



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