Browsing the archives for the victrola tag

8/19/1923 I will be able to breathe once more

Saturday nite 9 pm Mon Ami – For 3 long days I have neither heard from you nor written. The former – well?? the latter – ??? pardon me! I’ve been laid up again- Yes, really. Yesterday and in fact for the past week I’ve been just “gone.” Ever since I got home – but […]


1/28/23 A Poem to the Fire Fairies

Read First Sunday 11:45 am Dearest Fredibus, You are going to think I am the laziest thing when I tell you I’m still in bed but considering that I’ve slept only about 8 hours in the past 3 nights, you won’t blame me, will you? I’m horrible tired. I always tell you that, don’t I? […]
