March 1 – 7, 1925

March 1

To. S.S. A while with Fred. Home and slept. Had a dreadful sick headache. To bed at 7, had a miserable nite that somehow finally dragged by.

March 2

A holiday. Slept till 11. To town at 1, and to see “The Great Divide” at the Queen. A marvelous show. Fred came out to supper and I gave him a masonic watch chain for his birthday tomorrow. Oh, I love Fred so much!

March 3

Fred’s birthday (b. 1902)

I wonder if anyone could ever feel worse than I do. Went to Mr. Mather this morning for help. Then studied all afternoon. I can hardly write for the tears I am shedding. Oh, Dear Diary, I feel so miserable – so sick – so blue – so hopeless.

March 4

Jaws, wisdom teeth, side, eyes, head, have all screamed at me all day. Classes, Chem lab, Home + studied chem and French. Haven’t had a square meal since Saturday. I must snap out of this but I feel so miserable.

March 5

Tired – so tired. Only a few more hours before the Chem test. I’ve studied so hard for it. I know I’ll pass. Went to the dentist. He didn’t help me much. Wisdom teeth are awful! Was with mother for her sewing lesson. Bought material for a new dress – a dear. Studied til awful late. I’m so tired.

March 6

The Chem midterm! Busted it, and it made me so sick. Was a ghastly exam. To lab, nearly spilled tears all day. A confab with Nick about my exams. Rode off the effects of the exam. Got a dear, adorable special from Hop. Between Hop + Fred – great goodness!

March 7

Classes, Home + wrote 6 letters. To town at 3. Went to the Isis – “The Lady” Was quite good but I wept + wept. A date with Fred. Heavens! What a contrast! Hop’s offer to be a true buddy last nite, and Fred’s passion tonite. I wonder – wonder.


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