12/28/22 The Most Lonesome Place

Houston, Texas

Dec 28, 1922

My Dearest Florence,

Gee, this is the most lonesome place I have seen in several days. I am looking forth to Sunday night with great anxiety. You know it drives the blues away and gives me inspiration when I go out to see you. A little enjoyment of that kind (the kind you show me) does a great deal to loosen up a person’s head after long thinking. You know, just similar to dissolving clods with water to make mud pies.

The stationery that the new year greeting is on is very cute. Some trick to that stationery, eh?

I am so glad that you liked the pin so much. I am sure you appreciate it, the way you expressed it is fully convincing.

I can think of the happy days (tonite) when you came out to see me in the afternoons. Somehow I cannot keep the blues back I am looking forward to see you some afternoon again when school is in full swing.

Florence, words cannot express how I enjoyed those afternoons. If you are ever away from home in school, then I am sure you realize how things go at times. When the blues come, you may not be able to see until then.

Well old dear, I will have to say good night for this time.

As ever,


PS. Got my grades today. Came out OK. Sure was some relief, too.

1 Comment

12/10/22 Saving Breath and Time

Please excuse everything about this letter. How can one write anything with someone raving like Hong (?) When I read over this, it sounds so foolish, but I feel like that, ‘Scuse me, won’t you?

Central Hi School

2nd Period
History Class
Dec. 10, 1922

Dear Fred,

When you get this, you’ll be through with one final, won’t you? Maybe it might cheer you up, but I don’t think it will be so bad for I know you will pass.

This note saves breath and time, too, doesn’t it? My throat won’t stand much more, either. I talked to you too much yesterday. I’m resorting to the old means of communication that made Shakespeare make his wonderful quotation.

“Oh that mine enemy would write a letter.”

Ha-Ha – Am I not poetic?

And listen, sometime in the future, if you remind me of it, I’ll show you 2 books that will amuse you exceedingly. C?
The teacher is wildly raving about Jefferson. He + Jefferson are good friends. they went to separate schools together.
While I was deep in the depths of plane geometry last nite, I suddenly remembered that you had my “C” armband. (No wonder I never learn geom.)

Take good care of that, old dear, and give it back to me when I give back one of your most valuable possessions. Mama says you ought to take something terribly valuable of mine to get even with my wearing that medal, but you don’t mind, do you?

I think the “blow out” can be “pulled off” but don’t think of it and when you call, I’ll tell you all about it. C?

I hope the words on this paper will do for you what I want them to and inspire (!) you to study hard all the rest of the day.

There’s lots more I’d like to say, but I mustn’t take up your time. Maybe this can do what my presence might.

Just bushels of cheer to you, Fred, and look forward to the 20th when you come out and we’ll make up for all we’ve missed.



