8/8/1924 Things are not what they may seem at the country

Friday nite

My own Dearest Florence;

I have just read that broken hearted letter of yours. Florence I could have given anything if I could have been there by your side when I read the letter. I am sure that I could have soothed your pains. My Dear I know just how you feel. I can sympathise with you from the depths of my heart.

Darling Dear that letter was from your heart. It was so dear. It showed how you cared for me and how lonesome you were to be back. Oh how glad I would have been to have had the chance to hold you in my arms and let you tell me those kind things. It would have been wonderful to be there and be with you, during your disgusted moments. I am sorry that you did not enjoy your vacation at San Marcos.

I knew that you would not before you left. You are not accustomed to the country ways. If you could have lost your dignity and acted goofy as most country ya-hoos do, you could have had the time of your life. I’ll bet I could show you a good time in the country. Didn’t you know a country dance was the worst place to go for enjoyment.

Things are not what they may seem at the country. Florence probably you did not understand things. But nevertheless my Dear I am glad to hear that you will be back soon. I am waiting every day for the word and when I do get it I will be there waiting anxiously with outstretched arms. Florence I am tired of living life alone. It seems so empty without you. I look forward all day long to see your letter that nite. That is all of the excitement I et and those letters are so dear to me. I wouldn’t trade anything for them. It would take an awfully large force to deprive me of my love for you. One cannot realize what love it until it has an awfully big bolt in them.

Florence dear if San Marcos had been your last place before coming home, I would have wired you that I had met with an accident and for you to come home. I could have helped you this way and things would have been ok.

Florence I have been helping Jay with his racer and it is very late, but I just had to write you before going to bed, so I must stop this time.

My dear I hope to see you soon.

I really hope you enjoy S.A. a lot.

I am sending all my love and sympathy to you, because if you ever needed help you do now. Cheer up and remember that I am your own forever and that I still love you.






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8/7/24 I was in perfectly good humor when I wrote it

Houston Texas

Thur nite 8/7/24

My dear little lonesome darling;

This is Thursday nite, I have had my examination and I am staying home with you tonite. I may not be able to see you, but I can surely let you know that I am thinking of you very strongly and love you more than I can express in words. Florence I am so lonesome for you I don’t know just what to do. You have been gone only a short time, but nevertheless I can realize it to the greatest extent. It seems as if the world is divided since you have left me here all along. We have just exchanged plans. It is you who has gone off and left me here and it is not me I who has gone off and left my dear little girl here to mourn. I have to stay here and wish you were here with me. Florence my Dear I miss you so much. I think my heart will break sometimes. The nights are so empty. They seem so long and dreary before bedtime, without hearing your sweet voice.

They also say that a person realizes how they care for one another after they are separated and cannot see each other. It seems as if I have been separated from the world. I have lost something and just go wandering around to find it. Just think you haven’t started to be away from me, yet. When you get this, you will have been gone almost one week. Just 1/4 of your expected tour. Say don’t you have any feelings for your little Freddy boy at all. Gee Florence it seems months since I told you goodbye. I can’t realize that it has been so short a time.

I did not have a chance to write you last night as I went down to take my examination. I went through it perfectly. A boy friend, Herbert Turner also took the examination. Just us two and each one of us went through the work perfectly without a mistake. Thus receiving several congratulations from the members present. Now I will have to await the time, until the boys back home tell me if I can go any further. If I get by ok, I will have another degree taken before your return.

Florence I was so disappointed in you letter that you wrote in answer to the lectures. My own Dear Florence I did not intend to hurt your feelings. Really Dear I did not. Please excuse me, won’t you honey dear. I seems as if I just got started and didn’t stop. I said things that I am sure that I didn’t mean. Don’t think Florence, that I didn’t appreciate what you told me. If you did not love me, you would not have said anything. I think that I should not have said anything about it. I didn’t think that I made it so strong as to hurt your feelings. So you think that you were feeling a little blue when you read the letter. So you think that your heart was in a condition to mist for me when you got it and was disappointed on reading it.

Don’t think that my letter was fiery. I didn’t mean it that way at all. I was in perfectly good humor when I wrote it. Don’t think that you hurt my feelings for you did not. Maybe you didn’t not quite understand me. There is one great trouble in writing that a person cannot express himself clearly. You cannot put emphasis on words to express your exact meaning. The person who writes is probably in one mood and the person who reads may be altogether in a different attitude. There may an infinite number of ways of explaining this, but to make a long story short I did not intend to step on your feeling, not did you intend to hurt my feelings. You are not through with your lectures either. You must do things to help me and I will do things to help you. We are pardners, Florence we should work together. Never yet have you hurt me, by what things you have told me. I do appreciate everything you tell me. Florence I know that it is because you love me that you tell me of things. If you did not we would not talk to each other with such confidence.

Florence did I tell you that I wrote you as a mere duty? I don’t think that I did. It is not the letters that I did. It is not the letters that I write to you, that I consider a duty. It is letters to people that are far fetched.

Florence, I would love to sit here and write to you or talk to you forever. I am so sorry you felt bad when writing this letter. I can see by the letter that your thoughts were divided and you could not concentrate on your letter. It was not the dear love letters that you always write. I could see that the kids were bothering you. Those are the conditions that I write from at times.

Florence I don’t think I told you that my letters to you were a friendly duty. My letter writing to you is of the deep love I have for you. My love is sincere, it comes from the depth of my heart. It is for you and you only. I don’t like for you to act as if you don’t believe what I say, when I know that you do. Florence you know whom I love, and please don’t forget it.

I am going to send this letter to you special do you will get it Fri nite just after dinner. You can read it when you go to bed. You didn’t expect it, that it is why I am sending it.

Please don’t forget your own Fred. I will try to write you every day and Florence it my own true love for you, that comes from my heart, that makes me want to write. I enjoy writing to you but to some people it is not so enthusing.

I am your own dear Fred as long as you want me.

Freddie Boy.



8/6/1924 and I know you love me truly


My very onliest, darlingest, sweetest, and most precious Cap’n Big Boy.

Want me to tell you a secret? Huh – well, here is it! Sh_______? —> I love you!

How’s the great big beautiful world this morning? Hot? I guess so. Tonite is the nite of your test. I’ll think of you, dear boy, and know you’re going to come out better than fine! I know it because you know my prophesies are usually true. But oh! I love you so!

I don’t know just why I love you so hugely today, but I just wish I could be with you a while. Why, you’d pass your test and make the highest on it if you were with me in this mood. I feel different than ever before. Aunt Anna and I talked from 9:30 til 12 last nite mostly about you, and, of course, I was careful of what I said, but oh, Fred, what a good feeling it is to have a real true-blue sweetheart whom you can trust. No wonder I love you so. No wonder I’m hurt when you are bad, but I always know that Freddy boy doesn’t mean it. He couldn’t for true love doesn’t do those things. And I know you love me truly.

San Marcos, Texas

Thursday morning

More than ever do I realize and believe the old saying “Anticipation is greater than realization.” Of course I’ve found out before but never quite like this. I’ve waited only 5 years to come visit Bernice. And during that time I’ve looked forward with more than joy at the idea. Isn’t it funny that I left home to seek joy, happiness and a good time, and when I’m away I find that after all, I’ve left happiness behind – far behind. I’m not happy here. I’m miserable. I’ve been here about 12 hours, and already I detest the place, the people, and Berniece’s house. I find that “all is not gold that glitters.” Perhaps this town is the height of fun and a good time. However, I can’t find it because these good times don’t appeal to me. Fred, I’ve got worse than the blues. I’m so sick, and the ache is down so deep in my heart, I can’t even cry. This is positively the life I loathe – the life I detest, and I don’t see how I can live it for a week without going insane. But what am I to do? I can’t leave Berniece. It would hurt her terribly. She’s never forgive me, but I can’t endure this. here’s the way it is. Remember, dear, you can trust me, for I love you, besides would I do anything I hate, really and trule detest?

Well, I had some wild rides yesterday – at lunch yesterday, Berniece came by Aunt Anna’s and wanted me to pack up and go with her. I did, and we left S.A. in a Ford Coupe and 2 o’clock and then stopped in New Braunfels a while, then on here. At 5 o’clock I was introduced to the family, Gosh!

Then at 6, I proceeded to get ready for a picnic at New Brainfels. Well, here’s the part I detest – all this freedom. I was to go with a boy from here, but he had to work, so I went with another incipid j. b. in an open Ford roadster. Of course, I could have kicked but I thought others was no use being a prude. We planned at first to all go in a Buick, but this other boy couldn’t go and neither could his Buick, so we parted. Of course, the boy was a total stranger, and I detested him. He didn’t touch me, that wasn’t why I hate him. But he was impossible. Anyway, we rode to New Braunfels and I just flew. I was sans hat. We had engine trouble and got there in time to undress, swim 10 minutes and then have to get out. Well, so much for that! We had lunch, then danced. I couldn’t even tell you about the dancing. But I hated it. I hated the men, the boys, the small town girls who think they’re attractive looking like white washed fences, touched up heavily with carmine lips! But I laughed and managed to have a fairly good time so Ber couldn’t see it. My life and hers are very different, I’ve found. Well, anyway at about 10:30, we started on the 20 mile ride, and we got home at 1. The dear old j. b. wanted to show me San M. by nite, and he succeeded. I asked him to take me home, but Berniece hadn’t gotten home yet so we just rode. Oh, nothing happened. But it was so abominable. A bumpy Ford roadster on terrible roads, and I wanted home.

But anyway, we rode and rode and finally pulled in a few minutes after 1. Then Berniece + her date, and me and mine (you know I claim such distinction at having a date with an incipid j. b. whom I hate) sat on the steps and I talked til 1:30 and then went to bed. So at 6 o’clock this morning after a sleepless nite. I got up and tried to figure out a solution to this dilemma. And then I started writing to you. Fred, dear, what can I do? I haven’t even been here a day but I couldn’t endure a week of it. I’d just die. I don’t want to hurt Berniece’s feelings, but I just can’t stay, so what am I to do? I guess I can hold out over the weekend and then leave, but I couldn’t stay a minute longer. Oh, well I’m strong and healthy, I guess. I won’t pass out. But I just will go insane.

I’m about to scream, so I guess I’d better stop. It seems like Fate has played me a dirty trick, and it seems a pity, but I’m getting real cynical about it.

There’s another dance at Lockhart, about 30 miles from here tonite. i don’t know whether I’ll have the nerve to go. I loathe this small town life. Berniece wants to give me a bridge party, pretty soon, but I think I’ll be gone.

Fred, I think my heart’s just slowly cracking. I’ve got an insane desire to just scream and cry.

Remember I love you, dear. I wish you could help me. I don’t know when I can write again. Of course, I’ll do my best.

A wasp stung me yesterday coming over from San A and this morning it’s as big as a house. It’s right on my shoulder blade.

I have to go. I love you – love you – love you – and I’ll see you soon.

Your own


Don’t address my mail here – send it to S. A. for I expect to leave here very soon. Send it to the same place.




8/6/1924 The Menger – 300 rooms, 200 baths


Dear Old Timer.

Just a word for Mon. I don’t know whether I can write tomorrow. I never know what Sun will bring. But I want you to know I am thinking of you, love you, etc, and as long as it only takes 2 cents to tell you so,  I’m not too proud for that.




8/5/1924 such a hot day that I almost melted

Houston, Texas

Aug 5, 1924

My Dear little Queen,

Oh, I beg your pardon. I didn’t mean to call you my Queen. You said you did not like that, so I will have to call you my princess, all right. Well little Princess how does the world treat you in San Antonio. I’ll bet you are just overcrowded with joy. I got your card today and do say that is a very beautiful place. It looks like the places you read about. I would like to take a trip like that where I had plenty to time to do all of the things that I suddenly had a desire to do.

Do you find time to sleep, with so many things to do. There is one thing that I hope you do not forget. That is, don’t forget to write to your little Fritzy boy down here. I just look forward to getting your letters. They mean so much to me, when you are gone. You know how it is to be back here and be lonesome. You have had a taste of it and you know how glad you were to hear from me, when I was gone. My day seems a dead one, without reading a letter from my own Dear Girl. I am really disappointed when I do not get a letter when I expect it.

Florence, my Darling, Sat and Sun sound lost to me, without you. I knew I could not see you, but nevertheless I had a hankering desire to go call you and tel you that I would be out. It make be a little blue. I couldn’t help from being so lonesome. It’s hard to be without you Florence. You see, tho’ Florence, I must not tell you that I am lonesome for you or anything like that, because I do not want you to feel bad about it and get the Blues. I want you to have a good time and really enjoy yourself.

This was such a hot day that I almost melted. I thought 5 o’clock would never come. The day was so long and I was tired, too. You know I get tired occasionally. It’s natural for a person to do that. Especially you and I.

But who do you want me to go to the picture show with, while you are away. Shall I go or shall I wait for you to go with me. I expect I’ll wait for my own darling Florence. I am so sleepy that I can hardly keep my wits about me.

If I don’t get a letter from you tomorrow, I don’t know what I will have to do to you. Give a paddling I suppose. I do that so much you know, that it becomes natural for me to say that. C!

Don’t forget the one who loves you so dearly and please try to write often.

Your own Fred


8/4/1924 a very unfortunate bit of news was told me today

Houston, Texas

August 4, 1924

My Dear Little Princess:

I have just returned from taking some of my lessons and it is a little past a working man’s bed-time but nevertheless I must write my little girl a note at least. After I got through tonite our conversation let to a friendly conversation of various things which some people may call “bull”, while others would term it, real conversation nothing out of the ordinary, but just everything in General.

No people killed or anything like that. So you see I am still sound in all parts as before a very unfortunate bit of news was told me today. They say that we have to work all day Sat and not get off at noon. This is terrible. How will I stand it. Maybe, you can solve the mystery. Just how will I survive, with your powerful aid, I can stand most anything. Do you see how I believe in you.

Now, make your bow to the world, little sponsor of the Rice Track Team. If some consider that I am the team, then in turn, I ought to be able to say who the Sponsor will be. I like to select my own true Guardian. So it shall be. Now will you make a deep bow to the world with a wide, wide grin and make it stretch from ear to ear and cover your face. How’s that. Not impossible is it?

You are not in S.A. [San Antonio] Just overflowing with joy, I am sure your youthful curiosity is probably sprouting out on you, as I can visualize it and you are looking in every bend of that Mexican town for new things of interest. Dos the Mexican River, run straight for 100 yards or is it just 25 yds. I have heard that the passes in front of every house in S.A. a snake would break its back if he attempted to navigate it. So much for the River. How’s the chili. I’ll bet you are living from one meal to the next to get some “cold” chili. Do you eat much. Look out, be careful, don’t hit me too hard. Be easy, first attempt should not be so bad. Pardon me, will you. Fine!

I must go now to meet you again in the Hay field. I must press[?] hay now as it is late.

Your’s till the Bull frog sprouts wings and stops __________________?

With lots & lots of love,

your own Fred


8/4/1924 Everything’s blurred and backwards

9:15 pm Sunday

The Alamo City


My Dearest Big Boy,

Hero to the rescue! Please come help me. You never knew a more tired more utterly worn out and bruised girl in you life. Oh, I’m impossibly sore! and sick! In the first place. I’m so darned homesick I could cry with every breath-and I want you. And, second, today has been some excitement. At about 11 o’clock we started for New Braunfels, about 30 miles from here. Fred, honestly, it is wonderful. The clear, cold water, all the seaweed, the beautiful rustic spots where one could just live forever, and forget the world. the glorious swimming pool, etc. were marvelous! We had a glorious time. Two cars of us went. My aunt + uncle in one, their 2 kids + me, then my other aunt, her 2 adventurous boys + Sis in the other car – and off we set!

We took a little boat trip up the river after dinner, then we took a little walk, then we took a big swim. My dear, the water was like crushed ice! I nearly froze to death. We stayed in about 3 hours. It’s the clearest,  coldest water I was ever in. I guess I swam miles. But I went across the whole pond holding a show with one hand trying not to get it wet, and I was nearly gone. Sis had to drag me in, But now for the 5 thrills. so new and so maddeningly scary. Really, I’ve been scared before, but never so much so I could hardly move. Here’s the way it was.

There’s a big trolly up on a high stand. I shall draw you a little picture of it. (see letter for illustration)

Anyway. It’s up about as high as the second story of a house – or higher – It looks like it’s up in the sky. But you climb a ladder – a very crazy one, too. and then you climb another ladder. and you finally ascend near Heaven. Then you grab hold of the trolley, give a push, and down you go. Well, I got as far as grabbing the rope, but I was too scared to turn loose and go down. Oh, I was paralyzed. I knew I’d never live to get over it. I couldn’t be a piker so I grabbed for dear life, gritted my teeth, and prayed the good Lord for quick deliverance. I was too scared to scream. But, Fred, it’s fun. Why, it’s the biggest + best thrill I’ve had. Oh, it’s mortally thrilling and scary. I went down 3 times and each time I was as scared as before. Then they all went over to a sliding board as long as a house with one fierce dip in  it. Well, still I couldn’t be a piker, and I was so scared I couldn’t breathe but I closed my eyes + fears + slid and it was slow torture. When I hit the water it was worse then all the spankings you could ever give me. Heavens! But it was anther thrill. That makes 4. Then the fifth was – I saw Bernice there. I think I’m going up there Wed. Bernie was down there for a swim and you can imagine my surprise to see her of all people. We filled up on hamburgers then came home about 8:30 so tired we could hardly move. I’m so tired I hardly have energy enough to drag this pencil across the page. I’m going at snail’s pace even now.

Dear heart, I’m so lonesome for you. You know, I’ve been gone 1 whole day, but so much has happened in those 2 days, I’ve nearly lost all count. The trip was awfully long and terribly tiresome and horribly boring, and I was so dead + my eyes hurt so much, and oh! I was all in. I unpacked and then went to bed. But I couldn’t sleep. So I got up and watched a big search light up town, and cried a little, then I went back to bed + cried myself to sleep for Mother and Fred. I have never been homesick before, but I wanted to pass out. Trip or no trip, I wanted to be home. Today however, I’m a little more sensible and I’m not so impossible, but I’ll tell you, if I don’t get over this very soon, I’m going to wire you to meet me at a certain train, and I’ll be home.

I’m in the dearest home, and everything’s so nice, but – oh well, I’ll get over it.

Say, I’m so sleepy I can’t write anymore. Everything’s blurred and backwards, so I’ll have to say goodnite.

I’m going down to have  shampoo + water wave set in my hair + get some gunk to get my hair to grow, so I have to get up early.

‘Scuse this goofy letter.

I’m your own but sleepy.




A little non-letter post

First, apologies for getting a little behind in posting letters. This is an “extracurricular” project and it has had to be put a bit on the back burner while work, life and whatnot has come to the front. I will attempt to remedy the situation soon and be more diligent.


I received some rather cool news today: The Letters of Fred and Florence are now included on alltop.com in their relationship section!! If you use Alltop, you can add The Letters to your feed. I am so excited that (hopefully) more people will stumble on the site and enjoy the development of Fred and Florence’s relationship.


The Letters is also on Facebook. You can see some additional images and find out when the latest letters have been posted.


As always, I welcome comments and emails about this project. I also invite you to share it with people you think may enjoy it.


Regards and updates soon,





8/4/1924 I’m so dog gone proud of myself, I’m getting the swell head



Dearest of all dears,

Wish I could instill some of my pep into you. It would be so easily done. But the only way to instil that pep is thru letter.

Man, first let me tell you. I went swimming yesterday and oh, such a delicious swim! It had been so hot all day and oh! that water was ice. I swam about an eighth of a mile, which isn’t very far, then stopped and got my wind, and rested, then swam another 8th up to the deep part, The pool is about 1/4 mile in length. I was all in, of course, and things for pretty black. Well, I swam about 30 minutes, and then we had to get out. But Sis + Maylee were at the dining board which was at the extreme end of the pool, so I went up there to get them. They decided to dine a little more, then come out. And I got real brave, plunged in and determined to go to the shallow end 1/4 mile away without stopping. Oh, man, it was the longest swim I ever, ever took! and I nearly choked + strangled half way thru. I did the crawl, swimming mostly under water, you know, all the way, and Fred, I swam all the way! I’m so dog gone proud of myself, I’m getting the swell head! Really?

I’ve only lately learned the crawl stroke, and man, to think I swam 1/4 mile. Dog gone it all, you know why it makes me feel so good? Well, simply because you excel so darned high in all other athletics, and you are worth while in most everything but swimming, and you’re going to be in that some day, but I’m sorta catching up in the other things but I sure out shine you in the water, and I’m so proud of it, I could shout. Man, you’re going to have the race of your life if you try to beat me in the water. Come on, old socks, and see where you land. Don’t watch me dust, but watch my splash. I’ll chase you to Jerico and back. Ha-Ha!!!

You better learn to swim. Don’t let a mere girl, even if she is your girl, out shine you in any athletics. And say, don’t hold your breath to swim. My dear, I’m such a fish I breath under water. Mercy, you can’t make 3 strokes without having to stop + take another breath. Oh boy, I’m dying to get home and show Fred Stancliff the champion weight man of the South something about athletics. Ha-Ha

Say, sweetheart, don’t get offended at all this. Truly, I didn’t mean to razz you so hard, but as I said I’m so dog gone proud of myself I could eat ice cream – woof woof!

But here’s another thing that peps me up. I’ve chased away every one of the blue devils except a big longing to see Freddie-Boy. But I feel a world better. Are you sorry? I’m not, for now I can enjoy my trip. Yes, sir, really enjoy it. And don’t worry, dear old pal, when I can conveniently and politely slip away from these folks, I shall come sailing back to you. Remember “The Love Ship”

“Sail back, little love ship

Sail back into port.

Sail back with your treasure of gold.”

Your love ship will sail home soon, dear. Only my conscience makes me stay, altho now I’m going to enjoy it a little more.

I want you dreadfully, Fred dear. Each minute and each day makes the longing stronger in my heart. And oh! dearest heart, I wish you were here.

Ira Boyd yesterday looked up at me, with real big eyes and said “Where’s Fred?” I said “Darling, Fred is at home in Houston.” He said “I love him. Why won’t he come over here?” I said “I love him, too, and he can’t come over here.” Ira Boyd wanted to know why. I said, “Cause he had to stay home and make money to buy him some eats and a place to stay, and then save some to go to school.” Then the bright child asked me if I got any of Fred’s money. I said “Well, hardly, it hasn’t come to the point of his sharing his money with me?” He wanted to know what you made it for, if not to give it to me.

Well, I gave up and admitted defeat in the 3rd round.

Maryanna asked my why Fred didn’t come over to see me, I told her because he lacked the spendulies. Isn’t that so?

Listen, may I ask you something? Why no letter today? Are you so blue that you haven’t even the energy or desire to write me? You know, I feel just a tiny bit hurt when you don’t write. It’s true that it seems unnecessary to write every day, but you know I’ve braved the ridicule and being made fun of by these folks who say I do absolutely nothing except write letters and most of those letters are to Fred. I don’t agree with them, of course, but, dear boy, they say that I shouldn’t write you every day because you don’t answer them. If you wrote every day, you would have the right to demand a letter every day, Big Boy, I’ve stood that nearly every day, but in spite of it, I continue to write you every day, almost religiously as I eat. Now, dear, I realize how hard it is to write when you don’t feel well, when you’ve come home tired and Emily cuts up her usual tricks, etc, and oh, I realize and understand, but the other folks don’t. But I have had 3 days to go by and not a word from Fred. I got a dear special Mon nite, no letter Mon, of course, and none – No, wait, that’s wrong. I didn’t get a letter Mon. a special Tuesday, no letter Wed, and here Thursday has nearly passed, and still no letter. Well, dear boy, I shan’t fuss, but I do wonder. When it’s twice as hard, inconvenient and difficult for me to take the time to write, why I’ve managed somehow to write nearly every day. I’ve missed only 2 days I think since I’ve been gone.

I started to send this other letter special, then put this one in another envelope, so you’d get one tonite and then one tomorrow. But it’s too late for the morning train, so I shan’t do it. You won’t get it any sooner so I shan’t.

I can’t or won’t promise you so many more letters. Perhaps I can write – perhaps not.

According to these folks, I never get thru writing letters, and, of course, I must write to Mother and others.

Well, I must go Sis + I are going to town for lunch.

So au revior for now.

I love you hugly.

Your own,



7/31/1924 Have a wonderful time for us both

Hope you can read this? Take your time and read slowly and you probably can.


Houston Tex

July 31, 1924

Thursday Nite


My Darling Florence;

I am a blue boy tonite. Blue as the blue on my sweat shirt (track). I just can’t get over the fact that you are going away. It doesn’t seem right that you are going away. It doesn’t seem right that you are going off to leave me for such a long time. I have been thinking about you leaving for such a long time. I believe after you are gone, my heart will be broken. I cannot keep from crying when I think of it. Since I have been back, there has not been a day gone by that I have not talked with you. Over the phone or in your presence.

But I went away and left you, and you go over it. So I suppose I will have to brace up and do the best that I can. You will be back and how glad I will be to see you. I don’t know how I will pass the time. Just as soon as you have I will take my examination and if I am successful, I will not have much more work to do. The days will drag and be so long. i will will have to brace up and try to be gay while you are gone. You will not let the time grow lonesome, will you Darling. Just think, Florence, the best girl in the whole world is going off and leave the one who cares so much. But Darling you will write me many sweet letters. I am going to write you as often as I can. I don’t suppose that I can keep the time from dragging with you because I don’t suppose that it will have a chance to drag.

I did not get to go to do any of my work tonite and you didn’t say anything about seeing you, so I thought I would write you a letter to read while you were gone. You might be thinking of me and wish you could see me, but you can’t so I’m going to send my love along with you. But if you take my love along with you, you must promise me to do as you have always done. That is, be good to it. The tables are turned and it is my own Darling Florence that is going away and poor little Fritz has to stay at home and work and get old ruff hands.

But maybe some time in the future I will not have to stay at home alone—?

Maybe so, I can go somewhere too.

I hope you don’t do like I did while I was gone on my trip. Most all of the time I wished that you were along with me. I could just imagine both of us going along to see the wonderful sights of the East and how both of us were enjoying them together and having such a wonderful time and Florence when I would come to my right senses, you were not there, and I would have to stand the disappointment all by myself. You didn’t know or you would have helped me, wouldn’t you Dear. This day dreaming made my trip very pleasant at times, in fact I was just always thinking of how wonderful it would be, when we could make such a trip together.

Florence, I could just lean over on your shoulder and cry and cry. We were going to have so much fun this summer, but Darling since you are going away, Have a wonderful time for us both. Don’t feel sad while away. Just enjoy everything and remember Dear that I want you to have a wonderful Glorious time. Another thing before I close, Darling. Don’t forget there is a very dear Friend back here who trusts and loves you dearly. One that is missing you and looking for the mail at all times. A Friend who is Dearest to you and nearest to your heart, one who will always love you and stick by, regardless of what turns up. A Friend in whom you can with softly confide.

Lots of Love

Your own Fred
