Browsing the blog archives for August, 2010

Yearbook Autograph From Fred


6/8/23 little Girl with a cute little curl

Port Arthur, Tex June 8, 1923 My own Dearest Florence; What a thrill. Can you imagine what it was. Today I woke up at 2:30 and as I opened my eyes I saw a pink envelope on my bed by my pillow. Now do you think I lost any time, not a bit. Gee, Florence, […]

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Yearbook Autographs

Pages from Florence’s Senior yearbook and the notes from friends written inside.


6/5/1923 My dreams are paradise

Port Arthur, Tex June 5th 1923 My Dearest Florence; Whoo-pee some town we have down here, can’t imagine anything so sweet. Never saw another like it. Today was Pay day at Gulf and everybody and his brother and kids are on the streets. You can’t imagine such a sight. You know they all they have […]


Senior Activities


6/4/1923 the awkward position I am in

Port Arthur, Tex June 4, 1923 My Dearest Florence; just as I told you, old Dear, isn’t it. (that I would write you as soon as I arrived). Jesse and I arrived at one o’clock and I was disgusted with it as soon as I landed. But I suppose it will be ok. I went […]
