7/5/1923 They had a glorious celebration here yesterday

Port Arthur, Texas

July 5, 1923

My Dearest Florence;

I really don’t know what to write. I haven’t gotten a letter in so long. I got a note this morning also one Tuesday. You said in this letter that you were not going to write ’till you got an answer to the letter that I got Tuesday. Well, I just don’t know how you want me to answer it. I did not expect to say anything much about it because I knew you were only joking just like I was when I wrote. I expected a long letter to follow this one but it did not. I could not realize it, but I would lots rather have a good one like you are sending then a sketch.

I don’t know why you haven’t written, because I think I have tried to keep up my end of it. Have I not. I surely would have been disappointed if I had not gotten a letter from you this morning. I got up at 6:00 and went back to sleep at 6:30. then rose again at 10:30 I knew at 11:00 I would get a letter from my Dear little girl. So I did. But Florence it was not as I expected.

Why don’t you write to me confidentially and tell me your troubles. Florence Dear I want to cheer you up, if I can. It will not hurt. Why don’t you do it. because 2 1/2 months is a long time yet. So tell them to me in a long long letter. I will do my best to realize things with you. Won’t you do it Dear. I don’t think they will look so foolish. Just try it. I think I can understand don’t you think so. Tell me what you have been so blue about. Why you have been crying. Maybe I can help you. Let’s try, Florence. What is it that is sinking. What caused all of your disappointment, your sadness. Really Florence I do want to know and I know you will trust me with them, won’t you?

They had a glorious celebration here yesterday. Sure were lots of people. So darn many Cajuns tho’. Sure is griping to see so many of them. Some can’t a word of English and there are not any that can speak good English. You can’t appreciate a good place you’re gone. I wish many many times that I were in Houston for the summer. But I ain’t.

My mind is not working right today for good letters for some reason. I have not felt very well the last few days. A dull headache and my stomach kinda not so so but I am feeling pretty good now. Maybe a good long letter would brighten things up.

Lots of Love,



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