Browsing the blog archives for November, 2010

7/21/1923 and now the mirror has reflected

My Darling Florence; Hurray – Today I received the most wonderful letter from a little girl in Houston what I think the world of. It was so nice the way you wrote to me, so kindly and the letter I wrote to you the other day, sure made me think. I don’t know why I […]


7/21/1923 all the other youthful attractions

Caguntown July 21, 1923 My Great Big little girl; By the time you get this you will have passed out of your sixteenth  into your seventeenth. You are having the most wonderful year of your life. Is that not what you said. I expect you will have a glorious time at your dance at Sylvan, […]

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7/18/1923 oceans of love

Caguntown July 18, 1923 My Dearest Florence; I just received your letter a few minutes ago and Dear I don’t blame you a bit for feeling the way you did about getting that most unwelcome, sarcastic (and above all) impudent letter of mine. You see it’s just as I told you this morning in that […]
