1/22/23 The Star Dull Pupil

Fred – Fred, send me some knowlege of Latin – I’ve got my paper up here right in front of my and it looks like my head feels – absolutely empty. I’ve exhausted my store of knowlege on one test today and my brain refuses to function on another. I’ve been gazing out the window at the tall skyscrapers and wondering why in the d– people ever had to have as little sense as to give us as crazy a test as I’ve got. It’s down right pitiful. The things they ask us to translate I am sure is not found in Virgil. And here I sit, the star dull pupil – surrounded by a dumb class of Latin students. Good Gorsh – have the Fates any mercy on us poor suffering mortals. And now I’m thanking my lucky stars that I’ll never have to take another Latin test. this is where [note arrow pointing to equation on letter] I figured how near I’d come to getting a passing grade. 6 questions – each count 16 2/3. One question left out entirely leaves 83 1/3. Perhaps a few mistakes on all the rest would leave me a passing grade. Don’t tell me I’m wasting time figuring all that out for I’m not. I have another whole half hour for the knowlege to fly thru the air from you to me. Will I wait in vain – I can’t send a slime* out there ’cause the slimes here aren’t as good as the slimes there – but I’ll think it so hard that you’ll just have to cast the intelligence of that bright mind of yours over here.

As I gaze on the tall works of mankind – namely the city hall tower, Waddell’s, the Lutheran Church, the courthouse and several other buildings, I wonder which one you’ll have your office in. If the city jail could be seen I’d predict that to be your future office. There’s a large t shaped aerial up in the air. I wonder what station miles away is being heard. there are several flagpoles where Old Glory waves to the breeze. There are lots of other things but the clock says quarter of 12 and the bell rings at 12. Then I’m free til tomorrow morning except of course the studying of geometry. Then Fredibus, I’ll be thru and Friday I’ll know the best or the worst. I’m sure that I’ll pass. Save for the lack of knowlege, I’d be brilliant, wouldn’t I?

Fredibus, I was so thrilled last nite when Dr. Mc called me. Of course, I  know he thinks I’m only a kid – somebody for him to have fun with – but it’s really quite flattering for him to call me.

Gosh – are you thinking of me right now at 11:50? Please tell me, my eye is jumping like Fury. That’s a sign somebody is thinking about you. 8 more minutes, then freedom from this stuffy room. And freedom til tomorrow. Then Fredibus, fun + more study then I’ve done this term but oodles of fun – then in June I’ll be thru forever. At least for a long time ’cause colleges won’t take girls till they’re 18 – and I’ll be free – and I can really have a good time and I won’t have to get up at dawn – or go to bed with the chickens like they do in El Campo.

2 more minutes. I just handed in my blank paper. It was awful – nearly broke my heart – what I haven’t. Will you pardon the foolishness. The town clock is striking 12 and all the whistles are blowing but the bell won’t ring – Oh heavens! Fred – please pray for me tomorrow – math test – good gorsh.

Oh, pardon my slang – won’t you? I’m writing to keep up my happy (?)(?) temper.

That bell —-hurry —

At  last!!

* “Slimes” were what freshman were referred to at Rice University, as in primordial ooze.


2 Responses

  1. Rick Schochler says:

    These are awesome, Sheridan! Very cool.

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