5/23 If We’re Millions of Miles Away

May 1923 (undated)

2 p.m. – Standard time

Dearest big boy ‘o mine.

Blue? Big boy, why be blue? What if we are separated this summer – 3 months. Don’t you know that true love never fades or dies! Don’t you know that if you really care for me, there’s not a girl on earth who can take you away from me. and if I care for you, there’s no boy who can take me away. I do care, Fred. I like you heaps – and heaps – and then some.

Of course, your future comes first – you are broad enough to know that merely being separated thru the summer won’t cause us to lose the old friendship. Haven’t we been wonderful pals since Oct? For seven months? Can’t our friendship grow by writing to each other?

No one knows how wonderful it would be to be together this summer, and not to have studies always stopping us but we can be happy just the same.

Don’t think of this summer. Let’s make the most of a bad bargain, Fred.

Remember, even if we’re millions of miles away, I like you better then any boy in this whole wide world.

Just Me


4/5/1923 Yours Till the Piano Loses Its Scales

To Rice

Dearest big adorable track ☆(I told you I couldn’t make a star)

The school is ringing with your praises. I’ve been stopped by so many and congratulated for you. It simply thrills me to death. It’s almost like my own success because I hear so many wonderful things. Oh! even the boys talk of it. One boy says he had seen you throw the discus + he certainly thought you were good. He likes you an awful lot and he was tickled to death over your success. Why, even the boys in the bleachers spoke of what a wonderful sport you were and how all the boys out there respected you – Gosh! I wish I were a boy and we had met – and I could be your real pal – but alas!

Fredibus, you were so magnificent on the field Sat. As long as I exist in this world, I’ll never forget one scene. That’s when I watched you put the shot and throw the discus. Why, I thought my heart would jump right over there and follow the course of the discus. Perhaps you could throw it further, who knows? But you were so cool and deliberate – as usual.

And I’ll never forget that queer feeling of fear that crept over me when I saw you go over the pole – especially the 10’6″. That’s awful high and I hardly expected you to get up whole but you did – of course. You’re not going to get hurt for you’re much too valuable to your school and to me to get hurt. But one can never be sure of the Fate’s decisions.

It seems everywhere I go someone tells me about your glorious success. Met Paul Qualthrough at the dance + he and I talked lots about you. I said I tried to get you to come to the dance but you were in training. Somehow he got started on placing temptation in your way. He warned me that you were much too valuable to Rice to fail when they needed you most. I can hear him now when he pointed to the jelly beans there. “It’s only boys like these who can go to dances and waste to many hours – but it’s boys like Stancliff who can do things and make the world respect them.” He was right. I’m just fearfully glad that you have the courage to say no. I think lots more of you for it. I shan’t put temptation in your way. I’ll ask you but it’s because I want you to know that out of all the boys, I’d rather have you. You’re really the one I prefer and I’ll wish for you and try to imagine the boy I’m dancing with is you instead of a worthless cake-eater!!

Things worthwhile are more valuable then those things soon forgotten – like dances. perhaps 10 years from now, this costume dance will be forgotten, but I’ll always remember the glorious athlete whose medal I wore, and whose praises I heard as he threw the discus and put the shot. I’ll never forget it – never. Memories may fade but – I hope I’ll know you then. I hope we’ll always be friends.

Tho racks and rills divide us

And my face you  may never see.

Remember, we’re the same old pals + friends

That we were in ’23.

Ain’t that cute? But seriously, Fred, let’s remember that and really be worthy of a true friendship.

But I’m wandering – you know, I’m glad you like athletics for the sports are so wholesome and clean (when they’re played right) while dances, parties are all more or less flattery, etc. No, I don’t forget that it was at a party where I met you, and I’m awful glad. We took each other on a gamble that has proven to be the best bet of my life, for somehow, now that I know you, life would seem awful empty without you. Your phone calls ) altho they’re few and far between now) and your coming out here. Now, even tho we’re apart – (for I feel that after graduation things will change) I’ll always have the thought of your coolness – your courage and gentleness. But enough sentimentality! Are you laughing at that outburst? If you are, may Neptune draw you into his close embrace, for I speak the truth!

I noticed something. Want me to tell you? Hold your breath! Ready? Well, it’s just this. In Dec I started (somehow) the foolish past time of writing you letters. You said they inspired you. I took you at your word and kept on. You passed and you were not so worried about your grades. During mid-terms, I didn’t write and you were worried to death – about your tests, not my writing – Queer, but you flunked physics and were dubious about the rest. I wrote you a letter before the track meet and look how gloriously wonderful you were. Am I imagining things, but do my letters by any chance have that effect on you? Please be frank (and not Fred for a few minutes) and tell me the truth. Just tell me whether or not these letters help you. If they do, they serve their purpose. If they don’t – please don’t let me waste my time. I love to write to you – I really enjoy it – but if these letters bore you, please tell me, won’t you? You won’t hurt my feelings in the least. Personally, I feel that when I know someone I care for is behind me and boosting me, I can do lots better. Of course, you don’t need to be told that. I’m boosting you to the limit of my endurance. If there’s anything I haven’t done, tell me and I’ll rush madly to the task. Isn’t that proof enough?

Owing to everything, I can’t go Sat. to see you but I’ll be holding my breath til the game is over. until I find out the best. I don’t know how I’ll manage to live thru Sat nite til I see the papers Sunday. And they’re always so unsatisfactory anyway. But I’ll be on my eyebrow till I find out that you did. The rest of it doesn’t matter so much – the running and hurdles, etc. but it’s the weights – I want to go so bad – so terribly bad – but I can’t. That’s why I say – if I were a boy – I could be your pal – then you couldn’t leave me behind! Now! But I’m _____ not.

Thursday 8:30 am

Well, stranger, am I to be left pining away for the sound of your adorable voice? Am I completely forgotten in all your glory? You don’t know how I miss all your phone calls and Sat. nite dates. Only 2 times since we met has a Sat passed that you haven’t come out and each time — well, I shan’t go into detail for it would be embarrassing to me, C?

How’s the strong man this fine morning? The sun came up for your special benefit, didn’t it? I was out there driving yesterday and started to call you but I had a terrible headache so I thought I wouldn’t bore you – besides, my time was limited.

Thank you a million times for telling Tackey to take care of me Mon nite. I appreciate your thought. You have always taken care of me – such good care – and I’m glad you asked Tackey to do it. You are really a marvelous guardian and I wouldn’t take the world for your wonderful care at Sylvan, especially coming home. Why have you been so sweet to me lately? Why have you shown me such attention? Or perhaps I have just realized how marvelous you are. And Sat nite, you were simply precious! I’m not exactly a hero worshiper (?) but you were never so marvelous as you were Sat. especially the “Let’s have it.” Remember? Are you laughing again?

Tackey was so sweet to me Mon, but I wanted you instead of him. I wanted you to be the one to pull me in out of the cold when I didn’t have enough sense enough to come in – Oh! Fredibus! I think oodles and gobs of you. I’ve got to quit ’cause the bell’s rung.

Just 20 minutes more on this period. Thanks to your parry I rode thru my Latin 25 lines in about 30 minutes!

Sat. Lula Frances is giving a Majestic Party for the gang (all girls, of course) I warned her before, tho, that I should be an awful bore for my mind and pleasure and heart would be in Austin. I’d give worlds if I could see that game but Fredibus, you see it for me and tell me all, won’t you?

But you’re so adorably modest that you’d never tell me the truth about yourself. Fred, I believe with me that is your main charm for if you liked yourself as others like you – well, but you don’t – but I’m so glad you’re as sweet and precious as you are and I wouldn’t trade you off for every boy at Rice Institute! There never was – and never will be – another Fred like you. Especially one whom I could think as much of as you.

I wonder why I’ve written such a perfectly mushy, gurgly letter to you. Of course, I understand the thought behind it, but do you? I hope so.

Seven more minutes for this. It’ll take me that long to quit.

However, I’m going to make it brief – and soft.

For the honor of Rice, and the honors to be yours, and the sake and love of a grey-eyed girl who thinks the world and all of you, stay in there!

Remember (way back in your mind) that there’s someone in Houston who knows you can do wonders and knows that you will do them. I’m going to give you a picture of me, Big Boy real soon and perhaps then you will know how really behind you I am. You’re going to succeed – and I’m going to try to help. You asked if I didn’t think I had anything to do with your success – Did I really? Then let me keep on – you deserve the very best I can give you. and remember, I’ll be at the meet – in mind every minute. I’m betting on you, Big Boy. Three cheers for the best track man in Rice and in the south!!!

Rah – Rah – Rah


Yours till the piano loses its scales,


Am going up town now to have my picture taken now. So I’ll mail this. Does that listen good to you?

C. B. phoned me and asked me to be a maid. I’m so glad. If Rice had a sponsor and I were going out there, I’d be a maid by fair or foul means. Wouldn’t that be glorious if I were – but – I’m not.

Good luck to you, big boy. Remember, I’m counting on you. If you don’t win (and I’m sure you will) I’ll love you just the same.

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3/28/1923 So Many Jelly Beans Around Here

[Note: though the date written later by Florence says “3-27-23”, the 27th fell on a Tuesday that year, so I have changed the date ahead accordingly.]


Fredibus, don’t – please don’t think I’d make fun of your track work. I wouldn’t for the world. I think you are wonderful for being any kind of athlete at all. There’s so many jelly beans around here who can’t do anything but I’m so glad you can. Really! As for laughing at your being in training, I usually laugh instead of cry but I think you’re wonderfully strong because you can refuse those things you’d like to do and keep up the things that count. Had I been in training (and I think my patience would have long ago left) I should have broken all rules and done as I wanted but you didn’t. Remember what I said in that poem about your being so strong? And truly, I’m glad you are. A dance? My heavens! What could a few hours of moving one’s feet and flattering girls (if you do such a thing and I don’t think you do very much.) what could all that mean. – there are more dances in the world but you may never have another chance to fight for Rice. A dance! Good Gorsh! Fred! Doesn’t that seem trivial? When compared with other things. Of course, you know my one desire is to have a real good time and go like fury while I’m among my friends for there are only 2 short months before all this facinating rush is over. Then – well, no one knows what will happen.

Please forget I laughed at your training yesterday. Really, I didn’t mean to. And I do understand. Don’t ever think that things that interest you and concern you so much only bore me – for I love to hear of those things you like. Forget the dance! and go out for real track. If it’s within my power, I’ll be there Sat. or die trying. Best of luck to you, Fred and I’ll be there to help you win and I’ll think of you lots. Love, Follette

P.S. Don’t think it’s queer of me to ask Ike. I did want you to go so bad but since you couldn’t, well, I have to get someone and Ike is next best to you. but I’m dreadfully sorry you can’t go. There’s plenty of other times, tho –


3/27/1923 Fredibus alas!


Fredibus, dear.

You poor boy! I’ve just found out something about you. Something I was sure you were not. Hold your breath! While I tell you what I have discovered. Eureka! Fredibus, alas! You have numberless moods! and I was so sure that you were free of such a thing. I’ve imagined it but I never would believe it. I believed to to be my own moods for you know I’m full of them but it’s you! I believed you to be terribly level-headed and not given to moods – or was it purely disappointment? I am sure not for one little simple dance could not make a boy like you talk as you did. Gee! I used to be foolish!!!

Remember at one of the parties when I was so angry because you were a little cool to me one day when I called you – it’s rather funny now but it surely wasn’t then, was it? Tell me why you nearly freeze me to death when I call you. Is it because you do not like to climb steps and come down them? or is it because you don’t think I ought to call you? You see I had a terribly important question to ask you – and, well, if I had waited for you to call me, I might have waited for an age. Won’t the big boy be terribly glad when summer comes and he won’t have to always think studies?

You said the costume of Frivolity just suits me – It is to laugh!! I have to be gay for both of us. I have my serious moments as you have yours but most of my moments are happy. For, indeed, I have had a marvelous time since Oct 30, 1922. Remember?

First, I planned to go to this party dressed as a gypsie then I thought that since the one who could best appreciate that costume could not go. I’d change it. Fred, you hardly realize the sentiment there is attached to the word gypsie. Was it not in such a costume that I first met the big athlete I like so much?

Daddy is talking of sending me off to Miss next fall to school. Fred! That’s a long way off! And I feel that when I walk about of Central High with my diploma that everything will somehow be different. In my more serious moments, I almost grow frightened at the thought of a separation from those I love – and that’s what it means.

But away, sad thoughts! I am Folly! It is my business, my desire to cheer others. So, I’m going to tell the big boy – to go out Sat for all he’s worth and the Gyspie Fortune Teller will be there and will think of him all the time and remember that always, old pal o’ mine, we’re the best of friends.



2/4/1923 Hit the Trail of Slumberland

Houston, Texas

Feb 4, 1923

My Dearest Florence;

I have been trying to study some Spanish, Dear, but I was thinking of you about as much as I was of Español. What makes a person do that, do you know? Strange, isn’t it? I just can’t help but to think of that wonderful manuscript that I received from you. Last nite when I got home I went to bed, turned on the desk light so I could see and read it again. I like the way you express yourself in ways. You know, Dear, I just couldn’t help it last night. I know I was not interesting to you at times, but as I told you, I was worried a little. That afternoon at several times I was very sad. But I am feeling pretty good now, aside from that fact.

You don’t know I looked forward to seeing you last night. It had only been a week since I had been out there but it sure seemed longer to me. You know most of the time, I would see you in the middle of the week, which I still expect to do, and this made it seem so much longer. I was sure glad to see you when you came to meet me. Gee, Florence old Dear, but out school work interferes to such an extent that we are not able to do as our desires would so strive to do. Florence, my Dear, you don’t realize what a good time I have at those little gatherings. I sure do enjoy myself. It’s not the only there but when I come out there, it thrills me to a peanut. I don’t know what I would do if I if I did not get to come out to see you. It’s so much better then running around some place. And you don’t know how I like to hear you play. I am just crazy about music. I could listen to good music forever and never get tired, I think. I have always been filled with the anxiety of refreshing my ears with music. Also Dear I have always had a desire to meet a girl of your kind. One that was a musician. And then at the Halloween party, oh Dear since then, you have put so much sunshine into my heart. It is so many things that make me like you so much. Partly the Fates, I do believe.

Gee this is a cold night.  Ike and Skinney just came back from town and they said it sure is cold. We will have our winter weather now. I guess I will get my boots out and get them ready for field work in Engineering.

Well Florence my Dear I must close this epistle and hit the trail of slumberland. It’s about that time. Florence I will be glad to hear from you.

Your affectionately,



Fred and Florence get to visit the Goddesses

The amazing authors over at The Goddess Blogs have asked me to be a guest on their blog – check it out!

I am honored that they enjoy Fred and Florence’s story as it unfolds. Many thanks to them for this opportunity.


1/28/23 A Poem to the Fire Fairies

Read First

Sunday 11:45 am

Dearest Fredibus,

You are going to think I am the laziest thing when I tell you I’m still in bed but considering that I’ve slept only about 8 hours in the past 3 nights, you won’t blame me, will you? I’m horrible tired. I always tell you that, don’t I? But truly it seems that about the time I begin to get rested, something happens. So, Fredibus, next summer (I almost hate to tell you this) I’m going away – somewhere – and I’m going to take a genuine rest cure. Perhaps I shall go to California – or maybe Minnesota + visit some friends or maybe to San Antonio – or perhaps I shan’t go anywhere, if the folks don’t want me to go, but you see, I’ll be thru school and awful tired and there’s never anything doing in this dull old town during summer and then in the fall I’ll come back (perhaps sooner, who knows) and study music so that some day you’ll be really proud of me and you can say that she’s a friend of yours. and then when your name comes out in the American Magazine as one of the —- well, I don’t know just what – but some great man, then I’ll say, he’s my very ownest Fredibus (course, I won’t say that to anybody but myself. I mean call you that – but you will be won’t you? And that’s all in the golden future. When the world will be all ours and we shall demand our just dues. Ah, Fredibus, what could be more wonderful then being true friends all that time. Let’s don’t have any more repetitions of last nite. I’ll try awful hard not to but I was hurt so awfulterribly bad and the way I felt was that the very time I needed you worst was Friday nite and you failed me. I needed a real true friend who would cheer me up. and I found a cool, indifferent sort of human. Perhaps you really weren’t but it seemed that way to me. Now. I wish to Heavens that the line had been busy and I couldn’t have gotten you. I realize now that it was terribly wrong of my to call you – but I needed a little cheering – and I got it, too – looking at a funny paper. and my swollen eyes – and your picture.

Gosh, my feet are paralyzed. My ankle feels slightly strained and uncomfortable but it doesn’t hurt much. and I had the other ankle all twisted up and now my head’s whirling so I’m thinking I had better stop, get up and dress, then continue this foolishness.


I’ve got the victrola going like fury – and I’m living over being dancing with you, Fredibus. You’re far from being a pest at dancing and you have to learn + I’m trying to teach you and I love to feel your arm – Oh Fred – scuse me, but that music is sending me crazy —- those slow drags that just — well, affect me so strangely — those — blues — I wish u were here.

Now I’ve got to quit before I say something astonishing to you. I need a little mental support tonite – Oh, Fred.

10:00 p.m.

This is a letter in the installment plan. Written at different intervals – I nearly got so inspired – listening to the victrola and watching the flames dance over the logs. Seek their partners, fly away then return in a changeable red and blue and white costume and dance wildly over the logs. I nearly composed a poem to the Fire Fairies and then, I watched the fairies leap up and gather into their flames some secrets I had written and I knew they were safe from the eyes of the heartless public. And if anything happened to me – why someone would read them and find out things that they did not need to know – C?

I’m dreadfully glad you called me. It already seems like an age since I saw you. Then one time, I remember, you asked me why I called your attention to things – wasn’t I interested in what you said. Oh, Fredibus, you’ll never know how very interested I was – I’ve never spent a boring moment with you.

I’d like to know why I’m saying all these things to you. A first, when I wrote you during exams before Xmas, I was terribly careful what I said and only allowed the very commonplace subjects. but I’ve gotten terribly personal – Why, I don’t know. but I think it’s lots of fun to write letters and know you’re not so far away that I can’t see you.

Mama’s kicking about my being up. It’s 10:30 so I guess for her dear sake, I’ll have to hit the hay.

You understand, neus carus, that it is neither lack of courage or lack of vocabulary which stops me (and I need not read the dictionary) but it’s lack of time.

The very sweetest dreams to you, Fredibus.

– well – I won’t say it.

Read Last

Sun. Jan.28, 1923,


Pride of my fading years –

I can not imagine waiting for 4 whole days to answer one of your adorable letters but that seems to be the facts of the case. I’ve never done such a thing before. I’ve always answered your letters right away and sometimes I have written you more then one answer, haven’t I? But, Fredibus, I did it because I wanted to and really enjoyed it. I guess you know that I don’t do so many things I don’t want to. Ha-Ha- But the saints have mercy on me with the things I want to do for I don’t stop to think except that I looked into your eyes and I looked at your DeMolay pin and —- the conclusion is very obvious.

I’m going to start radio talk and u mite have to figure out what I mean but it saves lots of time, movements, patience. U won’t mind, will u?

Fred, I just adore that crowd u had out here last nite. They r so precious. And Mother had such a wonderful time. All day she has been talking about how nice the boys were and how polite they were to her. U kno, Fredibus, Mama is awful sensitive about those things and she feels that if the bunch comes over here and doesn’t have a good time it is simply a crime and I guess that’s the reason we always have such a good time. Mama enters into the fun and is as much a kid as any of the rest of us. It’s wonderful to have a mother like that.

I had a good time under the circumstances and after the news of that horrible accident. Perhaps u noticed that all my gayety was rather forced and how every time I got with u I sort of quieted down. Fredibus, it was surely a relief to have a haven to go to when I felt like I cudn’t hold up another second. Thats what I call a friend and u’ve surely been a wonderful one to me. the thing that I noticed was that Fredibus was sort of worried about something and seemed to be thinking all the time. When u were with me, tho, u seemed to be natural enuf and if anything, a little more precious that usual. I kno u had a gud time but not nearly as gud a time as u usually have. Sometimes u seemed sort of indifferent to everybody, but never to me and I think lots of u for it too. But what was my big athlete thinking of that made him so unresponsive to everybody? Can’t u tell ur old pal and get it off ur mind? honest I won’t breathe it to a single living soul.

Fredibus, those were awful sweet things you told me last nite and I’ve thought of them so much since. I’m terribly glad u feel that way. It gives me a new lease on life.

This morning I was reading over an old diary of mine that I kept last summer and I read the vow that I solemnly made to myself 3 weeks before my 16th birthday. I said that my 16th yr wud be very eventful and wild —- and listen! 2 weeks before my birthday on the 13th Rasoplo proposed — on the 23rd I went to Galveston with a crowd and he was there. Undoubtedly that was the wildest time of my life. I hit the hay at 4 in the morning —- then soon after I met the most fascinating Dr. Mac — then I went to San Antonio and had a marvelous time — I have gotten recognition in the musical world here in Houston —- and then, Fredibus o’ me heart, I went to a Halloween party and met the sweetest Rice soph and he’s been so  marvelous to me. I’ve had such a wonderful time with him and thru him I’ve met so many nice boys and just knowing him has meant the world to me — the girl the folks called “the jazz fiend – the fun-chaser–child of old Father Jazz — wild and wolly—the flirt” and numberless other names. I confess, Fred, that all those names were well deserved and I was wild. Now the wildness has given way to events and the thrills that I used to demand aren’t thrills anymore &&&&&&——$$$$????!!

Luckily for us both, Fredibus, u didn’t kno me then. If u had we wudn’t be friends now for a boy like you wudn’t have liked a girl like I was then —- neither wud I have liked u for long because I didn’t stay with a person long enuf to really be interested in them. I was constantly looking for something new– a new thrill, etc.

Sometimes, as a proof for those statements (if u need any)(and I hardly think you do) I’ll show you a book I kept — “CRUSHES, SQUSHES, and MASHES” — a book of the different boys I – well, I started to say liked but such was not the case for I never let myself go further then the hour’s fascination and I never let my heart become involved until a college boy suddenly appeared –quite took my breath away — and before I quite knew it, my heart was, for the very first time involved and I GAVE MORE THEN I’VE EVER VOLUNTARILY GIVEN.

Then, of course, the car came + I flunked-??

I’ve been writing for nearly 2 hours on this thing and Mama is waiting to use the type so I’ll have to call quits.

I hardly think i’ll ever get such a letter as this from me again because I seldom tell people what I’ve said—-

Just oodles of luck to u, Fredibus —

I think u’re just wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!



The year they met – 1922

One of the site readers posted a comment about having to wait for days to get responses to letters and how communication has changed so much. It leads you to imagine other changes that have taken effect and how life in general has changed since Fred and Florence met in October of 1922.

Another reader sent me some interesting bits on life in 1922 that I thought I would pass along:

The population of the US, according to the 1920 U.S. Census, was 105,710,620. Texas boasted a population of 4,663,226 of which 138,276 of them lived in the 38.7 square miles that Houston occupied.

(to get a look at Houston in 1922, the northwest map is located here and the northeast map is here)

In world news, Benito Mussolini becomes the youngest Premier in Italy’s history. On November 4, Howard Carter and his team find the entrance to King Tut‘s tomb and become the first people to enter the tomb in 3000 years later that month.  December marked the formation of the USSR.

Stateside, the Teapot Dome Scandal investigation begins, the Lincoln Memorial is dedicated in Washington D.C. and Rebecca Felton is sworn in as the first female United States Senator. Walt Disney incorporates his first film company, Laugh-O-Gram films and Babe Ruth was suspended for a day and fined $200 for throwing dirt at an umpire.

And back in Houston, Texas, the Houston Zoo was founded in Hermann Park, the Independent Insurance Agent Open (now the Shell Houston Open) began and the first motorized fire-fighting equipment was purchased for the city of Houston.

(Thanks, Riqui!!)

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Florence’s Birthday

Today is Florence’s birthday. Were she still with us, she would be turning 104. I remember when I would visit her she would say that she wanted to live to be 100 and have Willard Scott wish her a happy 100th birthday.

This is how she celebrated her 17th birthday in 1923.

Happy birthday, Mimi!
