8/27/1923 The sooner I leave the better

Port Arthur

Aug 27, 1923

My Dearest Florence;

I know you will be so surprised to get this so soon after the other but I have been thinking of you so much today that I just had to write to you and spend a few minuted with you. I have to wait for time to go to work.

I am so glad you have talked to Mr McCann and have your course arranged. I mean picked out. I can help you occasionally on your math and physics, but I am sure the rest is Greek to me. I hope you will not need any help tho’. You will be real interested after you start. I’ll bet your new outfit is nifty. Your blue & gray sweater will set you off, eh? haba. I will have a new Blue and Gray sweater too. But if will have a big “R” on it. Wish yours did too. Won’t you be a cute Slime. “yea Slimess” I will be so glad when I get back to Houston and get to see you. Just think Florence  1/2 months, but seems like the months are years, to’. I am getting restless already. It won’t be long now. I am almost sure I will quit the 12th instead of the 15th. I want to go on home and enjoy a good vacation. Mama I think would like for me to spend a long time at home. I may leave the 9th I don’t know. I don’t much care how long I stay here. The sooner I leave the better. I have about decided to quit the 9th.

Lots of Love


When do you want me to come? any time suits me.


8/26/1923 a few weeks more until you will be a Slimess

Port Arthur, Tex

Aug 26, 1923

My Dearest Florence;

I have been thinking of you so much today and that it is only three weeks until I will be gone from here. Maybe never to return. I was so mad tonite I could have fought. They have no system whatever to traffic regulations. There were two lines of cars coming down the street and three of attempted to cross the street at the same time two _ _ _ beans decided to pass the two lines, this making three lines. He was going about 25 or 30 M.P.H. and was on the left side of street. We had already passed our half and these birds just liked a little of hitting us. I was so mad I don’t know what I would have done if they had come out. I gave them a hearty invitation to stop, but they seemed pleased not to accept the invitation and sped on. I am really afraid to go to town at a busy hour. The people have no consideration or respect for a human life. They don’t care what they do. Then another thing we went to a show and tried to appreciate a good show and tried to appreciate a good show but all a loss. A cajun and his cajun woman was behind us and talking loud, cheering when the hero won and just butchering the English language. But why should I worry, only a few days longer.

Say my Dear you asked if I couldn’t leave here a few days ahead of time i.e. ahead of the time I had planned. Sure I can but you must remember if Jessamine does have a bunch to go to Sylvan I will not ask for an invitation. I will be glad to go, but I will not try to push myself into it. Of course I am sure she would like for me to go. Oh! How I would like to see all that bunch again before they separate for school. I don’t think I should like to come a week before  had planned, but it’s possible. I can quit all night the 12th but I don’t think I would like to before then. You see I could spend more time at home. If you find out anything let me know, C? If I were you I wouldn’t mention it to her as she don’t know anything about it and it would see funny, don’t you think.

It will just a few weeks more until you will be a Slimess – “Yea Slimes”

Them were the good old days. Won’t it be grand to go to school together. An you can’t walk on the grass and everything.

Of course Slimes can walk across with Sophs & upper classmen, as won’t you let me have the honor of escorting you across, eh? Wot you say ole Dear.

Glad to hear you like the swimming so well. You are getting good. What’s the idea of trying so much to reduce. Don’t you know it will only temporarily. It takes centuries to change nature. If you’re made that way and if you don’t like it you are unfortunate. I sure do admire you for taking an interest in sports. Why don’t you try chinning the bar and stretch out a little. Really tho’ Florence, I don’t think you are so extremely out of proportion. It wouldn’t hurt for you to be a little taller. But don’t let it worry you Dearest. It seems that I miss you more and more all the time and you can’t realize how I missed your letters last week. Do you know that I wrote three letters in between. But that didn’t hurt me, I enjoy writing you when I know you enjoy reading them.

Are you going to make your other trips i.e. to S.A. and San Marcos. I hope you go by El Campo if you do. It will be great to see the village. Don’t you think. I must get to the hay now so good night.

With Lots of Love ’till I see you



8/26/1923 Some things are radically, terribly wrong in Houston

Sun 4 pm to Port Arthur

Sorry I don’t have time to write any more, Sis is going to the library + I’ll get her to mail this. I’ve been laid up nearly all day – didn’t sleep last nite at all. Watched the eclipse at 4 this morning + went to sleep at about 5:30. So I’m pretty well gone. Had an adominable time at CB’s last nite – Horrid!  Some things radically, terribly wrong in Houston, but I shan’t worry you about it.

I’m going back to bed now. I’ve been there most all day since I got home from SS, I don’t know what is wrong with me. I’ll write again when I can –



8/24/1923 blub blub

Fri morning

10:45 pm

I’m directly in the midst of work. Imagine Mother was doing some work on the old literature at the church and she couldn’t get any ladies to help her so she roped “darling daughter” in to the rescue. I’ve been working, lifting heavy books + pounding the type, for nearly 2 hours. Frankly I’m hot and “gone

My dear! I’ve slept lately! I feel it’s quite an accomplishment, don’t you think so. I’ll tell you about it. I go-go-go thru the day til I’m worn out utterly. A swim it real exercise and awfully tiring, and every afternoon I swim hard. Yesterday I swam an hour the length of the pool 5 times. Not all at once, of course. It’s 60 feet long – 300 ft. 100 yds. I’ve surely improved! When I started 2 weeks ago 60 feet would wind my utterly but I’ve trained down now – no sweets, or fancy junk – just plain food, not fattening. So I guess I’m “in training.” At least I’ve done as you want me to for a change. But when I “hit the feathers” at nite I’m too sore and tired to do anything but “saw wood.” I don’t get tired so quickly. I feel better physically, but oh! mentally!

Played for the radio last nite after a hard swim. Had a good time. The whole gang of us – dance, cut up – had oodles of requests for jazz numbers. and we had all the latest pieces out. Then afterward we “joy rode” the Main St. Drag, singing + cutting up after 10 – fun! oh boy! It was all a jazz program (Trust me for that) and I played only one classical piece. Oh! We had lots of fun.

Fred, when you get real brave and learn to swim we’ll try a lot of junk, singing underwater. I did that yesterday and swallowed the pool – blub blub, and then Sis carried me on her shoulders underwater and I carried her. Tomorrow morning we’re going to try and eat a banana under water, blub blub. I hope I don’t drown. I’ve tried swimming under water but I haven’t the nerve yet to dive but I will soon.

I know what you’re thinking, Fred. All my time and thought is taken up with swimming – swimming, Caro mio. It’s not quite that bad, but I’m so fascinated by it. It seems it’s just a part of me and I look forward to the afternoons when I can swim again. And all this winter I’m going in – Oh! and so much fun. You’ve missed half a life time, Fred by not swimming! It’s glorious.

It’s 11:30 now. I’ve started and stopped thru this letter a dozen times, and I’ve never entirely gotten my thoughts straight. I’m awfully dizzy for some strange reason, so I’m going to say “au revior” again. I hope this letter gets mailed this time. I’m getting worse than Jessamine (ask Ike about it)




8/23/1923 I might pull thru after all, Reckon?

Thursday ~

Dear Fred –

So busy, So busy, and full of water ~ and empty. I’m so horribly terribly hungry – and peaches, milk, soft boiled eggs and toast, nearly 2 weeks now. 10 1/2 lbs in 2 weeks isn’t bad, is it? I don’t notice that I look any different, tho’. I tip the scales at 131 1/2 lbs. I’ve lost about 8 lbs in a week. Believe me, little one, if I keep on, I’ll be trim as a race horse!! or a track star. Then I’ll compete vs you in low hurdles. Huh?

Got your letter this morning. I was about to send out an alarm for my C.H.S. pin. You have had it nearly a week, and didn’t even write + tell me you got it! You’re a hunk o’ cheese you are. You’re quite welcome. I’m glad it pleases you. I usually try to keep my promises.

My dear! all there is to swimming is practice. I’ve been swimming nigh unto 6 years now, and this year, for the first time have I been able to swim right. I adore the scissors kick – and the flutter kick nearly kills my legs but they’re getting so strong. I can pull myself clear out of the water and you can see the muscles in my arm – Hot Dog! and today I think I’m going to attempt to dive. I’m learning the slow trudgean crawl – and I nearly choke but I keep it up. I’ve been in every day since last Thurs. except Sun. It’s glorious. I’ve cut out all cold drinks except limeades (chockalates + sundaes, etc) and I feel strong as a steam engine. My one thought these days is swimming. I positively love from one afternoon to the next. One day I had the pool for half an hour all to myself. No one but the life saver around – and she didn’t pay any attention to me. Believe me, I sure worked. It’s not play, what I’m doing. Often lately, I’ve been so sore I could scarcely move but there’s a method in my madness! and starving! Glory!

Why don’t you come home a week sooner then go on to E.C> and not have to miss the first part of school? That little(?) money couldn’t make so much difference, could it? Instead of only a week – at home – have 2 – I shouldn’t think of letting you stay in H. a whole week before going home. Couldn’t you make it about Sept 11 or 12? instead of 16th? Of course, I guess you know best, but listen! mon ami, while society doesn’t appeal to you at all – maybe it wouldn’t bore you too much. Jessamine plans a trip to Sylvan just before she leaves – and of course, I’d like for you to get in on it. Perhaps you don’t think it is worth the price, I believe it is. Come home with Ike and we can enjoy a little fun perhaps before we begin at the grindstone. I don’t want to persuade you vs your better judgement or ideas.

Do as you think best. Personally I think you’d be better off if you didn’t stay there so long, that last week is going to be the worst. I know, Fred, from experience. You’ll know Ike is here with his “best” and you’ve got another week in jail. And if I keep on talking so convincingly you’ll have to come whether you think best or not. So I’ll stop.

I’m going to perform for the radio tonite. I don’t relish the job but I guess I’ll live through it. And I’m going to town – then swimming in a little while.

I’m awfully tired and sore.

C.B. is going to have a surprise party Sat. nite – more dancing and fun. Hot dog! Wish you were here to go along. Remember our party over there?

I feel like old heck today. I was up town all morning – and I’m so blue I’m surprised this paper hasn’t turned blue just from association! Somehow I’ve changed so much I hardly recognize myself anymore – I wonder if you will.

Got my credits O.K. from Rice. I’ve got to go see Mr. McCann this week if possible. A girl friend has offered us advice, and help, all her quiz papers + daily math and junk she had last year. I might pull thru after all, Reckon?

Ma cheré, I must leave. Take my town trip and my swim + play for the radio.

If you don’t get a letter again soon, I haven’t forgotten you. I’m awfully busy – sewing, swimming, starving + going, but I’ll write when I can.



9/21/1923 Wait till we are college students together.

Port Arthur, Tex

My Darling Florence;

How goes the world by now, little girl? Is your head still in a whirl and full of H2O. I wish I could swim like that. You know I am not a very good swimmer. But someday I am going to learn and be a good one. I can swim a little, but not much.

Oh, yes, before I forget I want to tell you that I for the prettiest little pin the other day. Thanks so much. I will wear it and it makes me think of you, oh so much. Every time I see it, it makes me have the blues. It won’t be long tho’. Just think, Florence, less than a month. Not four weeks yet. Oh gee, How happy I will be. It sure gives Johnson the blues to hear Ike & I talk about going back and he has to stay here. You see, he finished in ’23. He has to stay in P.A. but he surely does want to leave, and go to some place better, I think. When school starts, the cream of P.A. will leave. There are about 400 college students here. ie. it is estimated to be that many.

Last nite we had quite a surprise. Ike had gone to town and Johnson & I were here. When he came back he brought “Stubby” Waters (from Rice) with him. He is down here on a business proposition for a dredging company of Galveston (also his home). He is testing the dirt in the depths of the canal so the co can make a bid to get the contract for dredging it. He needed four to help him so Ike quit the Texas Co and is helping him. It will be much better work and much easier too. If there had been as much as I was getting, in it I think I would go too, but there wasn’t. So I didn’t.

I had intended to write a long letter. I started and had good intentions but a boy came over and is still here. But I must finish this. I will try again soon to write you see. It is very embarassing to write with company.

This 11 to 7 shift is a punishment to human nature. I must get ready to go to work now. I am so sorry I didn’t have time to fulfill my plans. but my Darling you know I am thinking of you and love you just as much. Wait till we are college students together.

Lots of Love


I am glad you sent the pin. Looks good. Thanks. I will write soon.

1000 xxx’s



8/20/1923 I sure did lay that chicken away.

Port Arthur, Tex

Aug 20, 1923

My Darling Florence;

The 12 hrs day has gone forever, I think. I am through with it. now I work at night. 11 to 7. Isn’t that awful to work at such unaccustomed hours. But such is life and so we will have to let it go at that.

I received two of the most darling and dearest letters from the dearest little girl, last Thu and Fri. Now I’ve got the goods on you. You can do it, when you want to. How about all of the time, instead of occasionally. Those letters were sure grand of you, Florence.

If we had been close together at the time, I… I could have told you in very affectionate words (& ways) what I thought, instead of trying to write it. It will not be long my Dear before I will be back in the great old town. It may not be all the town that I like about Houston. Do you suppose there is anything else there, that makes me like it. Anyway, I like the town and what’s in it. It’s not a few weeks now. Yesterday I said to Ike, where will I be four weeks from today. Then he said, where will I be three weeks from today. He is going to quit one week before I do. So he can go down to see Jessamine before she leaves. When does C.I.A. start, do you know.

The Slimes have to register 21st at Rice don’t they. The great day will come the 21st, eh?

Just think, that will be the day when you enter college. Think of it, college not high school, anymore. Things will be much different then. You will be crazy about college life. It won’t be so hard after you once get instructed and started. I liked it from the day I started. Of course there were a few early morning rises for worm applications, that I did not like on the spur of the moment.

I surely wish Mary could come to Rice and take a course in math. I know she would make it OK as she likes it very much. When are you going to El Campo. I know they will be real glad to know you. You see if I know you, I am sure they will like you just like I do. I think they know you, already. Not by sight, but other ways. C? My Dear.

I will sure be glad when I get back home for a few days. I am sure tired of this boarding house, restaurants, cafeterias, etc. to eat. Also I get so tired of the Institute grub. Yesterday us Three went over to Roy Chambers for dinner and believe me, we sure did eat.

I sure did lay that chicken away. Made me so homesick I didn’t know what to do. Them were the good ole days. A person can surely appreciate some things, when it is too late. Of for my boyhood days over. I have wished many times that there could be something for me to do at home, instead of going off to some other place.

Don’t you think I was good, yesterday. Went to Sunday School and church last nite. All in one day too. We had company Sat & Sunday. Mr. Kean from Rice, who is a Civil Engineer for Gov’t came over from Port Neelus (?). It surely is good to see some one you knew so well. There are eight boys here from home about my age. I brought Jesse over and the rest followed. We have a reunion every once in a while.

I surely have thought of you many times recently. Sometimes I get so lonesome that I don’t know what I’ll do. The Sundays pass slower than they would if I were in Houston. Of course there are boys, but they are nothing like the company that my little Darling Florence is. Won’t it be great to see each other again, after being seperated so long. I may stay in Houston a whole week before school opens then I may go home and spend those days. I haven’t quite decided yet, but I am almost sure that I will be in Houston Sept 16. I have a proposition, whereby I can increase my capital a little. Maybe. C?

I must get to write some more letters as I am away behind. So my Dearest of all I will write again soon.

Lots of Love



8/19/1923 I will be able to breathe once more

Saturday nite

9 pm

Mon Ami –

For 3 long days I have neither heard from you nor written. The former – well?? the latter – ??? pardon me! I’ve been laid up again- Yes, really. Yesterday and in fact for the past week I’ve been just “gone.” Ever since I got home – but especially since I made up my mind I was going to lose 20 lbs never to be gotten again. Now! it’s just about laid me up. I would go in for tennis + run + sweat it off but I just couldn’t for it’s so hot – so instead I’m swimming. I’ve been in as much as I can go in, and I’m starving. I eat enough to satisfy me, very, very little and I live mostly on determination.

Don’t lecture me, I know there’s no use in getting sick over it but for just long enough have I stood for people commenting on it. I hate to look like a dress with mush poured in it. Sometimes I look like someone put their hand on my head + mashed me down – made me as broad as I am tall! I realize, of course, that I am the hardest critic. Other people don’t look as closely as I do perhaps but – well, so much for that. I’m encouraged tho – I’ve been home a week + 1 day and I’ve lost 8 lbs! Hot dog! That leaves 12 more – or 14 – somewhere around that! or maybe more!

I didn’t intend to write tonite ’cause I’ve got lots of other things to be done – several dresses to be finished – several letters to write. My head’s whirling – and I’m physically gone. I swam for 1 1/2 hrs this afternoon stopping long enough to get a breath then I’d go under water again. I swam 60 ft, the length of the pool – back again – 120 ft – nearly all under water, then I’d hang onto the ladder with my feet + practice the hand stroke. I worked and walked on the bottom of the pool as far as I could. Played leap frog under water – and all the rest for an hour and a half. No wonder I’m nearly gone. My head is still full of water. Yesterday I was up town nearly all day. Left about 9 – home at 1 back at 2, home at 4. My aunts to play bridge til 6 – date at 8 – My Dear! When I got to bed last nite I was too sick to sleep and when i did it was 3 a.m. But I had fun. I bought a stamped dress to embroider. It’s nearly all done now, too.  I’ve sure worked. then I bought a blue and grey sleveless sweater. (Yea Rice!) and I’ve nearly finished a cute crepe dress and I’m going to finish my batik dress – and trim it in fur. Hot dog! and I’m going to make an Egyptian turban — ??? I’m getting gay.

But as I started to say, I didn’t intend to write because I knew the letter couldn’t get off till tomorrow anyway – but we’ve been playing the victrola – a whole lot of sentimental pieces, ages old – and somehow I thought of you. So strange, you know, and I just had to write. Three days is an awful long time – But oh! my dear, what has happened in between!!! Hurry home, big boy! I just happened to think that exactly 4 weeks from tonite you’ll be either headed for Houston or here! Gras garçon, 4 weeks – 28 days! Ah! I will be able to breathe once more – for I’ve tried.

I guess I’ll have to leave before I tell you everything and “bore” you to death.

Now that your 12 hr work is over, would you mind writing – once a week? Huh?

Sunday – 11:45 am

Goodness! how sentimental I am getting. I’ve got “I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now” on the victrola It’s great – I’ll start it over – and write the words for you, They’re great!!! Huh –

You have loved lots of girls in the sweet long ago.

And each one has meant heavens to you.

You have vowed your affections to each one in turn

And have sworn to them all you’d be true

You have kissed ‘neath the moon

While the world seemed in tune

Then you’ve left her to hunt a new game.

Has it ever occurred to you later,  my boy, that she’s probably doing the same.

I wonder who’s kissing her now

I wonder who’s teaching her how.

I wonder who’s looking into her eyes,

Breathing sighs, telling lighs.

I wonder who’s buying the wine.

For lips that I used to call mine

I wonder if she ever tells him of me.

I wonder who’s kissing her now.

If you want to feel wretched and lonely and blue.

Just imagine the girl you love best.

In the arms of some fellow, who’s stealing a kiss.

From the lips that you once fondly pressed.

But the world goes the pace and to love goes the race

And she goes with a smile and a tear.

So you never can tell who is kissing her now.

Or just whom you’ll be kissing next year.

Of course, Mon Amie, nothing is meant by that. It’s merely a song, C? I played it for you, didn’t I? This morning at S.S. I was thinking thinking and over my heart was a tiny little sword – and I thought of the Sundays I passed by the M. Church + picked you up. Remember? Oh! those glorious Sundays. the times when you miss me so and when I miss you – I’ve thought more of you lately than ever before. Just since July 21 – Before that well, I didn’t think much of anyone. And then you for hurt + I got “bit” and things have been going wrong ever since – and, well, I wish it was this time 3 weeks from now and then it would be only 6 days more. But – it ain’t.

Maybe – or rather, I know, you can help me in the—

I’m so sore today I can hardly move! My arms feel like lead – my back like it’s snapped in the middle – and I’m sure going at swimming next week like fury – I expect to go every day – Glory! how I adore it!

Listen. O.M. your 12 hr a day work is over isn’t it? What are you going to do? Go back to doing nothing? If you don’t write to me once in a while I’m going to sever all friendly relations. Honest! It’s been 5 days. 5.

Well, au revior, mon ami! It’s time for dinner –



8/16/1923 I never knew how I could miss you

Wed nite

11 p.m.

Dearest, dearest Fred –

It’s late. The clock has just struck 11. I’ve just gotten home from a picture-show “Enemies of Women”. It was terribly boring. And all the time I thought – you were working- working and waiting for the time to pass til you can come back to me. How I wanted you! What wouldn’t I have given if you had been with me instead of Earnest! Fred o’ mine, the time has passed so slowly. It seems like several centuries since you were here – since we went to “When Knighthood was in Flower.” Lokey and LFS and you and me! and then when we went to “Singed Wings” – oh! I remember it so plainly. It’s been years ago – years. Fred, it’s only 31 more days. I’ve begun to count them. 4 weeks and 2 days. but I want you now – if I ever get you within reach. I’ll never, never let you go – I never knew how I could miss you. That afternoon when I was at Rice and you told me about the P.A. job – I said go on. I never realized the time could be so long. Only 3 1/2 months – but all of a vacation, and it’s made me fully know how empty my life would be right now without your letters to cheer me up. and just to know that in 31 more days you’ll be here. Fred, dearest one, all tonite in the show I kept wishing for you, and after I got home, I just had to sit down and write to you. You ask me not to let the time grow weary, Caro mio – how about my time? I admit there’s more amusement here for me than there is there for you, but it’s all so empty – not worth wasting time over – and I want a real thrill! I’m getting so hungry for some real excitement. I sometimes think I’ll take the first thing that offers itself that’s different – but only for a thrill. I’ll wait for you, tho – for only you.

I must quit. The clock moves fast. I just wanted you to know, dear boy, I’m thinking of you. Even with another boy who momentarily amuses me – I wish for you, and I’m waiting for you – and the thrill.

Goodnight, dearest of all dears in this world –

Please don’t forget me and that you mean more to me than anyone on earth.



8/14/1923 How is Scatterbrains and the others?

Port Arthur

Aug 14, 1923

My Darling Florence;

How goes the world, back in the city. I’ll bet you were sure glad to get back, wasn’t you? Believe me I sure will be glad to get back. Just think, this week and four more and I can see my Dearest of all. Oh Florence, how happy I will be. It will be 3 1/2 months since I have seen you. It seems like years. Does it to you. This working 12 hrs is long but it isn’t hard as I do not have much to do. So when he asked me if I wanted to work 12 hrs/day for two week, I took it, because I know it would be a gravy train. The only thing is I don’t have time to do anything but sleep. When I sleep 9 hours, the time is almost up. By the way, my Darling, I haven’t gotten a letter from you in a few days. Please don’t let the time grow weary.

This is a very short letter, but nevertheless it goes to prove that I am thinking of the Dearest girl in the world to me. That’s saying lots isn’t it, but when you mean it, it doesn’t hurt to tell the truth.

Lots of Love


P.S. How is Scatterbrains and the others?
